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Python any() and zip() built-in functions explanation?

I was playing some clash of code at and saw somebody's code, but didn't quite understand it.

The goal is to check if there's any double characters in the string in a row. So the string "Hello" should return True, since the double "l" in a row. But the string "Mama" should return False since the characters "a" are not behind each other.

Could someone explain this code?

print(str(any(c==k for c,k in zip(w[:-1],w[1:]))).lower())

This was my code

w = "Hello"
f = False
for i, c in enumerate(w):
    if i + 1 < len(w):
        if c.lower() == w[i+1].lower():
            f = True
if not f: print("false")


  • zip creates pairs like the 4 columns in this table. (First and last table column does not form a pair, they don't count):

    h  e  l  l  o  -  # original string in lower case
    -  h  e  l  l  o  # same string shifted one position
    -  F  F  T  F  -  # equal? (False/True)

    any returns True if it finds anything true (in boolean sense). Otherwise it returns False. Here it returns True after seeing the third value.