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AWS invoke cross account lambda via Cloudwatch Event Bus

I have a AWS lambda function deployed in multiple accounts. I'm looking for a way to schedule to trigger these lambda function from master account via Cloudwatch Event Bus. Is this possible?


  • In line with what @amitd is suggesting you need to implement something like this (Using EventBridge , EventBus).

    enter image description here

    To configure cross-account event bridge communication following needs to be done. I am providing sample events and filters, you can replace the event and filters as per requirement.

    Steps to be performed on Account B: Receiver account

    1. Create an event bus named event-bus-b. Put the resource-based policy as shown below.
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [{
        "Sid": "WebStoreCrossAccountPublish",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {
          "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<account-A>:root"
        "Action": "events:PutEvents",
        "Resource": "arn:aws:events:<your-region>:<Account-B>:event-bus/event-bus-b"
    1. Create a rule in account B let's calls it eb-rule-b. In this Rule select event-bus-b as a source event bus.

    2. Provision following event filter pattern:

    Event pattern:

      "detail-type": [
      "source": [

    Also, test the pattern using the test event.

    Test Event:

      "version": "0",
      "id": "55fghj-89a9-a0b3-1ccb-79c25c7d6cd2",
      "detail-type": "uoe",
      "source": "somesource",
      "account": "<ACCOUNT_ID>",
      "time": "2020-04-24T13:53:21Z",
      "region": "<YOUR_REGION>",
      "resources": [],
      "detail": {
       "userOrg" : "OrgName" 
    1. Select the event bus event-bus-b in the drop-down.

    2. Select the target "Lambda"

    3. Put the ARN of the event bus which you have created in Account B.

    1. Also check on the check box "Create a new role for this specific resource". This will create a role in account A which enables lambda execution.

    2. Click on create and create the rule.

    3. Now click on the event bus event-bus-a and click on Send events button.

    4. Send a dummy event as shown below and validate that the communication between event bus and the lambda in account B is all ok.

    5. If you face some issue in this plumbing refer to :

    6. Once we are good in Account B ( i.e we are able to invoke the lambda by sending events on the event bus, configure other accounts by following the same steps.

    Steps to be performed on Account A: Sender account

    1. Create an event bus event-bus-a in account A.

    2. Create a rule eb-rule-a in account A with the following details:

    Event pattern:

      "detail-type": [
      "source": [

    Also, test the pattern using the test event.

    Test Event:

      "version": "0",
      "id": "55fghj-89a9-a0b3-1ccb-79c25c7d6cd2",
      "detail-type": "uoe",
      "source": "somesource",
      "account": "<ACCOUNT_ID>",
      "time": "2020-04-24T13:53:21Z",
      "region": "<YOUR_REGION>",
      "resources": [],
      "detail": {
       "userOrg" : "OrgName" 
    1. Select the event bus event-bus-a in the drop-down.

    2. Select the target "Event bus in different account or Region"

    3. Put the ARN of the event bus which you have created in Account B.

    1. Also check on the check box "Create a new role for this specific resource". This will create a role in account A which enables the users in account A to publish on account b event bus. The below policy is auto-created and you don't need to do anything.
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
    1. Click on create and create the rule.

    2. Now click on the event bus event-bus-a and click on Send events button.

    3. Provide details and click on send.

    enter image description here

    Sample event:

      "version": "0",
      "id": "55fghj-89a9-a0b3-1ccb-79c25c7d6cd2",
      "detail-type": "uoe",
      "source": "somesource",
      "account": "<ACCOUNT_ID>",
      "time": "2020-04-24T13:53:21Z",
      "region": "<YOUR_REGION>",
      "resources": [],
      "detail": {
       "userOrg" : "OrgName" 
    1. Event will propagate to the event bus defined in account B.

    2. Repete from steps 4- 10 for all other accounts ( i.e create multiple targets in the same rule).

    3. Once configured a single event in Account A will propagates to multiple accounts and you will achieve the necessary fanning.