Runnign the following pybacktest code:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pybacktest
import pandas as pd
short_ma = 50
long_ma = 200
ohlc = pybacktest.load_from_yahoo('AAPL', start=2000)
ms = ohlc.C.rolling(short_ma).mean()
ml = ohlc.C.rolling(long_ma).mean()
buy = cover = (ms > ml) & (ms.shift() < ml.shift()) # ma cross up
sell = short = (ms < ml) & (ms.shift() > ml.shift()) # ma cross down
bt = pybacktest.Backtest(locals(), 'ma_cross')
I get the error in the title, and for more info see this screenshot:
Does anyone know of a way to fix this?
Accordingly with this thread:
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'ix'
I used the Call Stack of WingWare to back up to what was calling __getattribute__
and I replaced the line:
eq = self.equity.ix[subset].cumsum()
(line 188 of with:
eq = self.equity.loc[subset].cumsum()
Thanks to commenter @GustiAdli as well for confirming.
That code also was meant for a Jupyter notebook and the proper code should be:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pybacktest
import pandas as pd
short_ma = 50
long_ma = 200
ohlc = pybacktest.load_from_yahoo('AAPL', start=2000)
ms = ohlc.C.rolling(short_ma).mean()
ml = ohlc.C.rolling(long_ma).mean()
buy = cover = (ms > ml) & (ms.shift() < ml.shift()) # ma cross up
sell = short = (ms < ml) & (ms.shift() > ml.shift()) # ma cross down
bt = pybacktest.Backtest(locals(), 'ma_cross')
fig,ax = bt.plot_equity()
And the proper output should be:
I am making a new repository for this change (and other fixes that need to be done):
Since the original seems left alone (most recent issue message was from last year).