I am carrying a web site from digital ocean to aws. evertyhing was good until DNS update.
I want to update 'A' record on digital ocean to point to my aws elastic load balancer. But A record only accepts IP address and AWS elastic load balancer ip address is not static. but hostname is.
Another option is to carry nameserver from digital ocean to AWS directly but given name server update time is undeterministic i don't want this. this is a live website and during this time new data will be produced on the old web site. Any recommendations?
Based on the comments.
Since DigitalOcean does not support alias records, you can't use CNAME for naked domains.
But, you could get static public IP for your EB, if you either change your load balanced environment to single instance. Each single instance environment has static IP through elastic IP. Other way is to change your application load balancer to network load balancer, if possible. NLB has public static IPs, which you could use for the A record.