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I want to create a double layered pie / donut chart in R

and I am trying to create a double layered pie, here is my data:

winner            <- c("White"   , "draw"    , "Black")
lowrated_scotch1  <- c(0.56617647, 0.04411765, 0.38970588) #winrate for Whites,Draws,Blacks in chess
highrated_scotch1 <- c(0.50000000, 0.03676471, 0.46323529)

To give more context, i'm trying to visualize the difference in winrate between whites/draws/blacks for a highrated/lowrated players in Chess for the Scotch opening from the data I already managed to gather.

This is what I have in mind :(image taken from google image)

layered pie chart example.

This is my code :

multi_layer_scotch<-data.frame(winner = c("White","draw","Black"),
                               Y = c(highrated_scotch),
                               X = c(lowrated_scotch))

ggplot(multi_layer_scotch, aes(x = X, y = Y, fill = winner))+
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")+
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#769656","#baca44","#eeeed2"))+

and this is what i'm getting as an output :

my marvelous not complete graph

As you can see, the graph isn't layered the way I want. The 3 layers from my plot should be assembled in one layer (to represent the lowrated payers) stacked with another layer (representing the highrated players).

I tried to follow the solution given in this post , but I couldn't manage to do it myself, I felt like it was a little incomplete : Multi-level Pie Chart in R

I'de be glad if you could help me with this! thanks in advance


  • did you mean something like this:

    df1 <- melt(multi_layer_scotch)
    ggplot(df1, aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = winner))+
      geom_bar(stat = "identity")+