I have the following Pandas series:
>>> df.original_language.value_counts()
en 32269
fr 2438
it 1529
ja 1350
de 1080
la 1
jv 1
sm 1
gl 1
mt 1
Name: original_language, Length: 92, dtype: int64
I want to convert these language codes into their original names, for example
en >> English
ar >> Arabic
I looked up this question but it didn't help. If there are any packages required, please provide a source of how to install them using pip if possible.
Use iso-639 module ->
#pip install iso-639
from iso639 import languages
df['lang'] = df['lang'].apply(lambda x: languages.get(alpha2=x).name)
output -
lang count
0 English 32269
1 French 2438
2 Italian 1529
3 Japanese 1350
4 German 1080
5 Latin 1
6 Javanese 1
7 Samoan 1
8 Galician 1
9 Maltese 1
If you wanna convert codes in your original df, then use -
from iso639 import languages
df['original_language'] = df['original_language'].apply(lambda x: languages.get(alpha2=x).name)