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Roslyn: How to create generic method type constraints

I have some code like this (using LinqPad):

using static Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxFactory;

void Main()
    var cd = ClassDeclaration($"TestExtensions")
        .AddModifiers(Token(SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword), Token(SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword));

    var method =
        MethodDeclaration(ParseTypeName($"T"), $"SetTest")
           .AddModifiers(Token(SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword), Token(SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword))
            .WithBody(Block(ParseStatement($"definition.SetField(\"test\", value);"), ParseStatement("return definition;")));

    cd = cd.AddMembers(method);

    // namespace
    var ns = SyntaxFactory

    var cu = SyntaxFactory.CompilationUnit();

    var code = cu.AddMembers(ns)

    // hack because I can't make .WithConstraints work
    //      code = code.Replace("where T :", $"where T : {t.Name}");


SeparatedSyntaxList<TypeParameterConstraintSyntax> GetSL()
    var list = SeparatedList<TypeParameterConstraintSyntax>();
    return list;

Which produces what I want except for the type constraint e.g.

namespace MyNS
    public static class TestExtensions
        public static T SetTest<T>(this T definition, int value)
            where T :
            definition.SetField("test", value);
            return definition;

GetSL().ToFullString() produces an empty result.

I need the type constraint to be: where T : Test

I can't find any examples for WithConstraints() so far.


  • You almost got the correct result. The main issue in your GetSL method. Because SeparatedSyntaxList<TypeParameterConstraintSyntax> is immutable you have to use return value of Add method.

    That variant works:

    var parameterConstraintClauseSyntax = SyntaxFactory.TypeParameterConstraintClause(
      new SeparatedSyntaxList<TypeParameterConstraintSyntax>()
    methodSyntax = methodSyntax.AddConstraintClauses(parameterConstraintClauseSyntax);