I need to dynamically adjust ingress annotations based on variables in my pipeline yaml file. "Normal" property works perfectly fine, but the annotation has special characters and I cant seem to find a way to use it properly. Fine works the following:
--set application.secretName=$APPLICATION_SECRET_NAME \
--set livenessProbe.path=$HEALTHCHECK_PATH \
--set readinessProbe.path=$HEALTHCHECK_PATH \
--set livenessProbe.scheme=$HTTPS_SCHEME \
--set readinessProbe.scheme=$HTTPS_SCHEME \
--set ingress.tls.enabled=$tlsEnabled \
--set ingress.tls.secretName=$certName \
--set service.externalPort=$SERVER_PORT \
--set service.internalPort=$SERVER_PORT"
Now I want to add the property ssl paththrough which is nested like this in the final yaml:
name: my-service-ingress
namespace: my-service
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-passthrough: "true"
As you see the property has a long name with special characters . and / I already tried escaping them like I would in a direct bash environment, but this doesn't seem to work here, where I'm storing these parameters in a yaml variable which will be used by the pipeline to create the displayed yaml file. My try:
--set-string ingress.annotations."nginx\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/ssl-passthrough"=$sslPaththrough \
Any ideas or tips are very appreciated!
The correct way (working for me now) seems to be double escaping the dots that are part of the property name and do not show hierarchy:
--set-string ingress.annotations.nginx\\.ingress\\.kubernetes\\.io/ssl-passthrough=$sslPaththrough \