Just wondering is it possible to find out the entry and exit points of a maze in a picture?
I have highlighted the 2 points with red and blue for explaining purpose, but they do not exist in the original picture, so please don't count on them.
The locations of the entry and exit can be vary, e.g. they could be in the middle of an edge, but not limited to the locations which are the corner or the middle.
I notice that there are 2 black arrows pointing to the 2 locations, but how to locate the 2 locations without the help of these 2 arrows?
I should upload the processed image here:
After applied some image processing procedures, I have gotten the extracted maze. But this is not what I am asking, let's get back to the topic and the extracted maze image should be the starting point for this question.
I started with your extracted maze image. The first thing to do is to find the four corners of the maze. We can find them by just looking for the four most extreme (closest to the corner of the image) points. We can connect up these four corners to make a (sort of) rectangle that encloses our maze.
The idea is to find the longest line of non-occupied (white) points that is perpendicular to the edges of our rectangle. To simplify the math for this we can rectify the image since we know the four corners.
Running through the edges and "raycasting" until we hit a wall, here are some graphs of the length of each line found along each edge.
Top Edge
Left Edge
Bottom Edge
Right Edge
Now we can just find the longest line for each edge, take the highest two, and those are our entrances to the maze.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# tuplifies a point for opencv
def tup(p):
return (int(p[0]), int(p[1]));
# load image
img = cv2.imread("maze.png");
# resize
scale = 0.5;
h, w = img.shape[:2];
h = int(h*scale);
w = int(w*scale);
img = cv2.resize(img, (w,h));
copy = np.copy(img);
# mask image
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
mask = cv2.inRange(gray, 100, 255);
# find corners
corners = [[[0,0], 0] for a in range(4)];
for y in range(h):
# progress check
print(str(y) + " of " + str(h));
for x in range(w):
# check pixel
if mask[y][x] == 0:
# scores
scores = [];
scores.append((h - y) + (w - x)); # top-left
scores.append((h - y) + x); # top-right
scores.append(y + x); # bottom-right
scores.append(y + (w - x)); # bottom-left
# check corners
for a in range(len(scores)):
if scores[a] > corners[a][1]:
corners[a][1] = scores[a];
corners[a][0] = [x, y];
# draw connecting lines
for a in range(len(corners)):
prev = corners[a-1][0];
curr = corners[a][0];
cv2.line(img, tup(prev), tup(curr), (0,200,0), 2);
# draw corners
for corner in corners:
cv2.circle(img, tup(corner[0]), 4, (255,255,0), -1);
# re-orient to make the math easier
rectify = np.array([[0,0], [w,0], [w,h], [0,h]]);
numped_corners = [corner[0] for corner in corners];
numped_corners = np.array(numped_corners);
hmat, _ = cv2.findHomography(numped_corners, rectify);
rect = cv2.warpPerspective(copy, hmat, (w,h));
# redo mask
gray = cv2.cvtColor(rect, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
mask = cv2.inRange(gray, 100, 255);
# dilate
kernel = np.ones((3,3), np.uint8);
mask = cv2.erode(mask, kernel, iterations = 5);
# find entrances
top = []; # [score, point]
# top side
for x in range(w):
y = 0;
while mask[y][x] == 255:
y += 1;
top.append([y, [x,0]]);
# left side
left = [];
for y in range(h):
x = 0;
while mask[y][x] == 255:
x += 1;
left.append([x, [0,y]]);
# bottom side
bottom = [];
for x in range(w):
y = h-1;
while mask[y][x] == 255:
y -= 1;
bottom.append([(h - y) - 1, [x, h-1]]);
# right side
right = [];
for y in range(h):
x = w-1;
while mask[y][x] == 255:
x -= 1;
right.append([(w - x) - 1, [w-1,y]]);
# combine
scores = [top, left, bottom, right];
# plot
for side in scores:
fig = plt.figure();
ax = plt.axes();
y = [score[0] for score in side];
x = [a for a in range(len(y))];
ax.plot(x, y);
# get the top score for each side
highscores = []; # [score, [x, y]];
for side in scores:
top_score = -1;
top_point = [-1, -1];
for score in side:
if score[0] > top_score:
top_score = score[0];
top_point = score[1];
highscores.append([top_score, top_point]);
# get the top two (assuming that there are two entrances to the maze)
one = [0, [0,0]];
two = [0, [0,0]];
for side in highscores:
if side[0] > one[0]:
two = one[:];
one = side[:];
elif side[0] > two[0]:
two = side[:];
# draw the entrances
cv2.circle(rect, tup(one[1]), 5, (0,0,255), -1);
cv2.circle(rect, tup(two[1]), 5, (0,0,255), -1);
# show
cv2.imshow("Image", img);
cv2.imshow("Rect", rect);