Let us suppose I have a table called locations, it contains records for a source's position and when this position was recorded.
id | source_id | ts | position |
1 | 3134 | 2021-02-21 20:48:08.488359 | ... |
2 | 3134 | 2021-02-21 20:48:09.123422 | ... |
... | ... | ... | ... |
ts is short for timestamp and the position is in postgis format but it doesn't really matter for this question.
And I have another table called zones:
id | area |
1 | ... |
2 | ... |
... | ... |
The area is a polygon in postgis format.
I can test if a point is in an area for example
SELECT locations.source_id, zones.id, locations.ts
from locations inner join
on ST_Contains(zones.area, locations.position);
will tell me which source is in which zone when.
What I would like is a query which produces the following output:
locations.source_id | zones.id | in_zone_time |
3134 | 1 | 1 mins |
3134 | 2 | 4 mins |
3134 | 1 | 2 mins |
... | ... | ... |
So it will tell me that the source 3134 was in zone 1 for 1 minute, after that it was in zone 2 for 4 minutes and then it was in zone 1 again for 2 minutes.
How do I achieve aggregation in this way?
You can add a flag and then treat this as a gaps-and-islands problem. It is not clear how time
is calculated, but the idea is:
select source_id, id, min(ts), max(ts), max(ts) - min(ts) as diff
from (select l.source_id, z.id, l.ts,
row_number() over (partition by l.source_id order by l.ts) as seqnumm
row_number() over (partition by l.source_id, z.id order by l.ts) as seqnum_2
from locations l inner join
on ST_Contains(z.area, l.position)
) lz
group by (seqnum - seqnum_2);
This makes a few assumptions:
All of these are a quite reasonable interpretation of your question, but can be relaxed. If your requirements are different, I would suggest that you ask a new question, being explicit about the details of the problem. Sample data and corresponding desired results are very helpful.