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Schedule firebase auth:export to bucket using pubsub

I'm trying to schedule a firebase auth:export into a bucket using pubsub. My purpose is to have a backup of auth (the output of firebase auth:export is perfectly fine for my purposes) every day.

This is the pubsub I tried:

const functions = require('firebase-functions')
const exec = require("child_process").exec

const datetime = new Date();
const formattedDate = datetime.toISOString().slice(0,10)

const commandString = `firebase auth:export auth_export_${formattedDate}.json --format=JSON && \
gsutil -m cp -r auth_export_${formattedDate}.json gs://backup_firebase_auth_daily && \
rm auth_export_${formattedDate}.json`

exports.scheduledFirebaseAuthExport = functions.pubsub
    .schedule('every 24 hours')
    .onRun(() => {
        return exec(commandString, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
            if (error) {
                console.log(`error: ${error.message}`);
            if (stderr) {
                console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`);

but I'm getting following error:

/bin/sh: 1: firebase: not found

I'm assuming this is because I cannot run command line scripts in whatever environment the pubsub is run.

Any other ways to get backup of firebase auth using Google Cloud API’s or firebase would be welcome.


  • I'm assuming this is because I cannot run command line scripts in whatever environment the pubsub is run.

    Indeed you cannot execute command line scripts (neither Firebase CLI commands nor gsutil ones) in a Cloud Function, which is the "environment" where your code is ran (here Pub/Sub is the mechanism that triggers the Cloud Function).

    On the other hand, since "the Firebase CLI can also be used programmatically as a standard Node module", as explained here, you can execute some commands of the CLI via a Cloud Function.

    Note that the word "some" above is in bold, because, as explained in this same Github page:

    Note: when used in a limited environment like Cloud Functions, not all firebase-tools commands will work programmatically because they require access to a local filesystem.

    This is exactly the case with the auth:export command which "exports the active project's user accounts to a JSON or CSV file".

    So, unfortunately, it is not possible to automate the execution of this command via a Cloud Function.

    Any other ways to get backup of firebase auth using Google Cloud API’s or firebase would be welcome.

    One way is to use the Admin SDK: you can retrieve the entire list of users in batches and for example store it in a protected Firestore collection (or any other storage solution). This can be triggered from a Cloud Function (for example a scheduled Cloud Function) or from a server you own running Node.js, Java, Python, etc.