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Typo3 10.4.1 Extension Builder: No tables created for new extension

I have a TYPO3 10.4.1 installation (composer mode) on ubuntu 20.04 with php 7.4 and a mariadb database and installed the extension "Extension Builder" (v10-compatibility). When I create a new extension with domain model using the Extension Builder and save it there appears no errors, also when I add it to the composer.json and run the composer require command. However, there are no tables created in the database.

Does anyone has an idea where to start looking for the problem?

Thanks a lot in advance!


  • You can add the extension "typo3_console" (composer req helhum/typo3-console) and then add this section in your composer.json :

    "scripts": {
        "install-updateschema": [
            "typo3cms database:updateschema"

    This will automatically update database schema with a composer install/update.

    More information here :