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Matrix multiplication with transpose with Tensorflow

Trying to do MatrixMultiplication in TF

import tensorflow as tf
a1 = tf.constant(tf.random.normal(shape=(5,4,64)))

This works perfectly fine, but if I transpose the input a1 manually like the following, I get an error:



InvalidArgumentError: In[0] and In[1] must have compatible batch dimensions: [5,4,64] vs. [64,4,5] [Op:BatchMatMulV2]


transpose_b: If True, b is transposed before multiplication.

So I don't understand the difference, any suggestions will be helpful.


  • To compute the batch matrix multiplication you need to ensure the following format for the 3D tensor. Check the 3-D tensor matrix multiplication.

    [batchs, h`, w`] @ [batchs, w``, h``]

    So, in your above case, it should be

    import tensorflow as tf
    a1 = tf.constant(tf.random.normal(shape=(5,4,64)))
    a1.shape, tf.transpose(a1, perm=[0, 2, 1]).shape
    (TensorShape([5, 4, 64]), TensorShape([5, 64, 4]))
    # swape the height and width - not batch axis 
    tf.matmul(a1, tf.transpose(a1, perm=[0, 2, 1])).shape
    TensorShape([5, 4, 4])