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How to apply LiveData to xxxFragment.class instead of XML

How to apply live data isRefreshing to swiperefreshLayout.isRefresh?

Code in xxxViewModel.class:

var isRefreshing = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()

fun refresh() {
    viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
        isRefreshing.value = true

        withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
            fun doInBackground() // takes a long time
        isRefreshing.value = false

Code in xxxFragment.class:

binding.swiperefreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener {

// error here, require Boolean, found MutableLiveData<Boolean>
binding.swiperefreshLayout.isRefreshing = xxxViewModel.isRefreshing 

Usually I apply the live data to XML like below, but I cannot find swiperefreshlayout.isRefreshing in XML.

        isFreshing = "@{xxxViewModel.isRefreshing}">


  • What you did is to get the current value of the liveData "isRefreshing". (also you need to add .value to get the underlying value associated with the liveData)

    binding.swiperefreshLayout.isRefreshing = xxxViewModel.isRefreshing.value?:false

    Instead, you should observe the Live Data for changes after initializing your view model.

     xxxViewModel.apply {
             binding.swiperefreshLayout.isRefreshing = it
        //... observe the rest of your LiveData


    you can create a function like the following

    private inline fun <T> doObserve(ld: LiveData<T>, crossinline callback: (T) -> Unit) {
        ld.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, { callback.invoke(it) })

    then just call that instead

     xxxViewModel.apply {
       doObserve( isRefreshing){
             binding.swiperefreshLayout.isRefreshing = it
        //... observe the rest of your LiveData