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Loss function and batch size in Keras

For classification task there are several loss-function we can use. If I simply use something like

model.compile{ loss=keras.losses.categorical_crossentropy, ....

Does this mean loss is normalized in batch size? like

loss = 1/m * sum_i sum_c [ y_i^c * ln(y^_i)^c ] 

wehre m is batch size, and
i is an index of a sample
c is class

or the loss is summed up in the batch size?

loss = sum_i  sum_c  [ y_i^c * ln(y^_i)^c ]  


  • What I can find from the keras API docs is that the default reduction for batch optimization is set to AUTO which defaults "for almost all cases" to SUM_OVER_BATCH_SIZE. This will mean the loss is the scalar sum divided by number of elements in batch.