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What is junit-bom and junit platform for, and should I include them in gradle dependencies?

I'm reading Junit 5 User Guide. It leads me to a JUnit 5 Jupiter Gradle Sample, which is a simplest example of using Junit 5 with Gradle. In build.gradle file, there are 2 dependencies, junit-jupiter and junit-bom. And in test task, it also calls useJUnitPlatform() function.

plugins {
    id 'java'

repositories {

dependencies {

test {
    testLogging {
        events "passed", "skipped", "failed"

According to my knowledge, the junit-jupiter is the aggregate artifact, which pulls the following 3 artifacts,

  1. junit-jupiter-api (compile dependency)
  2. junit-jupiter-engine (runtime dependency)
  3. junit-jupiter-params (for parameterized tests)

So I guess junit-jupiter is already enough for running JUnit Jupiter in my project (correct me if I was wrong). I want to know what is junit-bom and JUnitPlatform for here? Can I simply get rid of them? Thanks everyone:)


  • The junit-bom is JUnit's Bill Of Materials (BOM). When including this BOM, it will ensure to align and manage all JUnit 5 dependency versions for you. You can find more information about the BOM concept as part of this article.

    That's why you don't have to specify a version when importing junit-jupiter:

    // with the BOM, no version needed
    // when using no BOM, version info is needed

    You'll see the benefit of the BOM in case you import multiple dependencies from the same project. When just using one dependency, it might seem redundant:

    // only define the version at a central place, that's nice
    testImplementation('org.junit.vintage:junit-vintage-engine') // when you want to also run JUnit 3 + 4 tests

    The useJUnitPlatform() instructs the Gradle test task to use the JUnit Platform for executing your tests. That's required.

    In your case, you have a minimal working setup to use JUnit 5 for a Gradle project. What you could do is to remove the junit-bom and add the version information yourself:

    plugins {
        id 'java'
    repositories {
    dependencies {
    test {
        testLogging {
            events "passed", "skipped", "failed"

    But I would stick to the recommendation of the JUnit team and their sample projects on GitHub.