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Database function that takes as input date and time

Looking for a bit of guidance here on an SQL function.

I have this table here:

CREATE TABLE appointments
    patient varchar(20) NOT NULL,
    doctor varchar(20) NOT NULL,
    apt_date date NOT NULL,
    apt_start time NOT NULL,
    apt_end time NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_appointments PRIMARY KEY (patient, apt_date)

I'm looking for a function that takes as input a date and time and returns the number of appointments active at a given date and time.

Any help appreciated.


  • Please check below PostgreSQL function activeAppointments() which takes input date and time and returns the number of appointments active at a given date and time.

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.activeappointments(
        ondate date,
        fromtime time without time zone,
        totime time without time zone)
        RETURNS integer
        LANGUAGE plpgsql
        COST 100
    AS $BODY$
        total integer;
       SELECT count(*) into total FROM appointments 
       where apt_date = ondate and apt_start >= fromTime and apt_end <= toTime;
       RETURN total;

    I have taken above mentioned "appointments" table and inserted below sample data to it.

    insert into appointments values ('Patient001', 'Doc001', '01-JAN-2021','120000','130000');
    insert into appointments values ('Patient002', 'Doc001', '01-JAN-2021','133000','143000');
    insert into appointments values ('Patient003', 'Doc001', '01-JAN-2021','150000','160000');
    • Total records inserted 3.
    select count(1) from appointments; 
    • To run the function, please use the below script.
    SELECT activeAppointments('01-JAN-2021', '120000', '150000'); --2