I have a table that looks like this :
data work.Hotels;
Length Hotel_Name $9 Class $1 ;
INPUT Hotel_Name $ Class $ Country $ PRICE ;
Appolpon A Greece 390
Caravel B Greece 468
Christina A Greece 427
Economy B Greece 369
EdenBeach A Greece 499
HanikianBeach C Greece 526
MarinaBeach C Greece 587
Xenia C Greece 534
Agdal B Maroc 447
Almohades B Maroc 482
Atlas A Maroc 511
AtlasArnadi C Maroc 532
Chems C Maroc 450
Dunes A Maroc 569
AlfaMa B Portu 646
AppDo B Portu 652
DELagos C Portu 802
Madeira A Portu 761
Reid's A Portu 1101
I'm trying to produce a table with the countries as Rows, the Class as columns and for each pair, the name of the Hotel with the minimum price. Something like this :
Greece Appolpon Caravel Marinabeach
Portu Madeira Appdo Delagos
Maroc Atlas Agdal Chems
I tried many things like Proc tabulate and i couldn't get any good results.
Thank you
You will need to pre-process the data so that there is only one value per cell (i.e. per combination of country+class). At that point PROC REPORT
with a stacked across column specification will display the names in the cells. A sneaky trick is also needed in order to force REPORT
into this layout mode.
* order data for selecting row of lowest priced county+class;
proc sort data=have out=ordered;
by country class price name;
* if two lowest prices in a cell are the same select the (alphabetically) first name ;
data lowlowprices;
set ordered;
by country class;
if first.class; * save first lowest price within the by group;
proc report data=lowlowprices;
columns country class,name sneaky; * tip <varname>,<varname> specifies a stacked column ;
define country / group;
define class / across;
define sneaky / noprint;
Excel pivot tablers might pooh-pooh pre-processing data because there are tricks in Excel for what you want done.