from itertools import product
a = [1, 2, 3]
dict1 = {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}
dict2 = {"r": 4, "s": 5, "t": 6}
for i in product(a, dict1, dict2):
and I got:
(1, 'x', 'r')
(1, 'x', 's')
(1, 'x', 't')
(1, 'y', 'r')
(1, 'y', 's')
(1, 'y', 't')
(1, 'z', 'r')
(1, 'z', 's')
(1, 'z', 't')
(2, 'x', 'r')
(2, 'x', 's')
(2, 'x', 't')
(2, 'y', 'r')
(2, 'y', 's')
(2, 'y', 't')
(2, 'z', 'r')
(2, 'z', 's')
(2, 'z', 't')
(3, 'x', 'r')
(3, 'x', 's')
(3, 'x', 't')
(3, 'y', 'r')
(3, 'y', 's')
(3, 'y', 't')
(3, 'z', 'r')
(3, 'z', 's')
(3, 'z', 't')
But I want to get these instead:
(1, {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}, {"r": 4, "s": 5, "t": 6})
(2, {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}, {"r": 4, "s": 5, "t": 6})
(3, {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}, {"r": 4, "s": 5, "t": 6})
How can I do this? Maybe I should use another function instead of product
in this case? Please kindly help. Thanks!
The issues is, that itertools.product will return all product for each element of the iterables provided, so you could get a similar result to your expected result by wraping the two dicts into another iterable:
for i in list(product(a, [(dict1, dict2)])):
(1, ({'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}, {'r': 4, 's': 5, 't': 6}))
(2, ({'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}, {'r': 4, 's': 5, 't': 6}))
(3, ({'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}, {'r': 4, 's': 5, 't': 6}))
The ouput is similar to what you asked for, but the dictionaries are wrappen inside a tupel.