5.40 MiB / 5.40 MiB [------------------------------------] 100.00% 14.69 MiB p/s
looking for available hardware identities on disk
no hardware identities found on disk, claiming new hardware identity
Flashing device on port /dev/ttyUSB0
| Firmware | v1.0.2 |
| Device Model | esp32-4mb |
| Hardware Batch & Seq. No | 2020-11-10#524 |
| context | remote |
| broker.host | device.toit.io |
| broker.cn | device.toit.io |
| broker.port | 9426 |
| wifi.ssid | SureDemo |
| wifi.password | suremote |
erasing device flash
successfully erased device flash
writing device partitions
successfully written device partitions
reading hardware chip information
successfully read hardware chip information
| factory device model | esp32-4mb |
| factory firmware version | v1.0.2 |
| chip ID | |
device was successfully flashed
michael_k @ michaelk: ~ /toit_apps/Hsm2/tests $ toit run test_hsm_switch_async_4.toit
No default device set. Provide the device name (with the --device flag) to the command
michael_k @ michaelk: ~ /toit_apps/Hsm2/tests $
michael_k @ michaelk: ~ /toit_apps/Hsm2/tests $ toit devices
| XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX | micrcx-1 | Apr 29 2021 04:05 | v1.0.2 |
Thanks in advance, MK
PS. Naturally, I could be wrong, but as far as I remember, the name of the first device was assigned by toit system automatically. I had nothing to do with this. micrcx is my computer's identifier.
It might be that your device wasn't claimed yet. In the current release (but hopefully not in future releases), provisioning a device only puts the Toit framework on the device. At this point it is not yet associated with your account and must be claimed.
You can simply run:
toit device claim <hardware-ID>
or toit device claim <hardware-ID> --name=<some-name>
If no name is provided, then the system generates one. Typically these are built out of two words, for example nervous-plastic
. You can always change the names at a later point.
Alternatively you can claim the device in the web UI. There is a "CLAIM OR REPLACE DEVICE" button on the top right of the "Devices" view.
FYI: I have edited your post to remove the hardware ID of the new device, so nobody else claims the device in the meantime.