I have a PySimpleGUI window that I want to maximise, eventually without a title bar. I want to use the 'esc' key to close the window.
Here's my (simplified) code:
import msvcrt
import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [[sg.Text(size=(40, 1), font=("Arial", (32)), justification='left', key='-TEXT-')]]
window = sg.Window(title="Window", layout=layout, grab_anywhere=True, finalize = True, no_titlebar=False)
escape = False
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if msvcrt.kbhit() and msvcrt.getch() == chr(27).encode():
escape = True
ecape = False
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Cancel' or escape == True:
The close button works fine - but pressing escape does nothing.
I've tried several of the answers here, but with no luck.
What's going wrong, and how can I fix it?
As @knosmos pointed out, getch
is only for the command line. Adding return_keyboard_events=True
and event == 'Escape:27'
did the trick.