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How to create a relation between 3 tables in laravel 7?

I have three tables in a DB. The first one is "bookings" with some columns: id, customer_id, etc. The second one is "customer" with id, name, email etc.

And the third one is "customer_meta" with id, object_id (which is the reference to the id column from the "customer" table), meta_key and meta_value. It contains additional data about the customer like DOB, passport number, gender etc. Each row from this table is a different entry for a particular customer, like so:

id object_id meta_key meta_value
1 1 cf_x4rMBfn3 10/11/1989
2 1 cf_x4rMBfb5 1234567
3 1 cf_x4rMB735 M

I've created a One To Many relationship between the bookings and customer table. This is the code for my index function in my controller.

public function index()
    $bookings = Booking::with('customer')->get();
    return view('bookings', [
        'bookings' => $bookings,


All is working well. I can display the data in my blade file like so:

        @foreach ( $bookings as $booking )
                <td>{{ $booking->id }}</td>
                <td>{{ $booking->start_date }}</td>
                <td>{{ $booking->customer->first_name }}</td>
                <td>{{ $booking->customer->last_name }}</td>


And now I want to access the data from "customer_meta". I can't seem to figure out the type of relationship between the "bookings" table and the "customer_meta" table. I want to display all the rows for a particular customer through the "booking" that contains the customer_id.


  • If you set up the relationship between customer and customer_meta you should be able to access it like

    class Customer extends Model
        public function customerMeta()
            return $this->hasMany(App\Models\CustomerMeta::class, 'object_id', 'id');
    $bookings = Booking::with('customer', 'customer.customerMeta')->get();     
    {{ $booking->customer->customerMeta->meta_key }}

    You could use 'has one through' or 'has many through' relationship if you want to access customer_meta directly from the booking record see

    This way you can access customer_meta directly from the booking record

    class Booking extends Model 
        public function customerMeta()
          return $this->hasOneThrough(App\Models\CustomerMeta::class, App\Models\Customer::class);