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How to avoid interpolation of sensitive variables in Jenkins

I have a variable in environment something like this

        PACT_ARGUMENTS = "--pacticipant ${APP_NAME} \
                    --broker-base-url ${PACT_BROKER_URL} \
                    --broker-username ${PACT_BROKER_BASIC_CREDENTIALS_USR} \
                    --broker-password ${PACT_BROKER_BASIC_CREDENTIALS_PSW} \
                    --version ${GIT_COMMIT}"

I have two stages where I use them like this

stage('Can I Deploy to Dev') {
        agent none
        steps {
            sh 'docker run --rm ${PACT_CLI_IMAGE} broker can-i-deploy ${PACT_ARGUMENTS} --to ${PACT_DEFAULT_ENV}'

       stage('Create Dev Version Tag') {
        agent none
        steps {
            sh 'docker run --rm ${PACT_CLI_IMAGE} broker create-version-tag ${PACT_ARGUMENTS} --tag ${PACT_DEFAULT_ENV}'

It works fine but I am getting notifications in Jenkins saying that The following steps that have been detected may have insecure interpolation of sensitive variables

The solution that I used to have is

stage('Can I Deploy to Dev') {
    agent none
    steps {
        sh 'docker run --rm ${PACT_CLI_IMAGE} broker can-i-deploy \
                --pacticipant ${APP_NAME} \
                --broker-base-url ${PACT_BROKER_URL} \
                --broker-username ${PACT_BROKER_BASIC_CREDENTIALS_USR} \
                --broker-password ${PACT_BROKER_BASIC_CREDENTIALS_PSW} \
                --version ${GIT_COMMIT}\
                --to ${PACT_DEFAULT_ENV}'

but I chose to extract few of those arguments because it would be look a bit cleaner. I tried to replace PACT_ARGUMENTS with single quote but it just take the whole thing as a string. Any suggestions how to handle this scenario?


  • As @daggett suggest here

    I replace double quotes to single quotes to PACT_ARGUMENTS variable like this

            PACT_ARGUMENTS = '--pacticipant $APP_NAME \
                        --broker-base-url $PACT_BROKER_URL \
                        --broker-username $PACT_BROKER_BASIC_CREDENTIALS_USR \
                        --broker-password $PACT_BROKER_BASIC_CREDENTIALS_PSW \
                        --version $GIT_COMMIT'

    Then I used double quotes for sh like this

            stage('Can I Deploy to Dev') {
            agent none
            steps {
                sh "docker run --rm ${PACT_CLI_IMAGE} broker can-i-deploy ${PACT_ARGUMENTS} --to ${PACT_DEFAULT_ENV}"