I need to specify a set of points on the plane, for this I formed two vectors of the position of these points on the plane. Next, I created one matrix, where each row corresponds to one point (its two coordinates). As a result, all these points need to be located on the chart. I made such a matrix using several points as an example, but I need to significantly increase their number and it becomes unrealistic to manually write coordinates. How can you define such a matrix in a simpler way? Desirable without cycles
x = [1:3]'
y = [1:3]'
R = [x(1) y(1);
x(2) y(1);
x(3) y(1);
x(1) y(2);
x(2) y(2);
x(3) y(2);
x(1) y(3);
x(2) y(3);
x(3) y(3)]
plot(R(:,1), R(:,2),'*','MarkerSize',40)
x = [1:3]';
y = [1:3]';
R = combvec(x',y')'
R =
1 1
2 1
3 1
1 2
2 2
3 2
1 3
2 3
3 3