So my aim is to use a single function to show a text message upon a button click. Then there should be a delay and then another text message should be displayed.
The game is a dice game that should show 'Rolling...' upon a button click. And then after a while, it should display a random number.
I tried both .sleep() and .after() and both of them resulted in my program not showing the before delay text. Here's my code:
# Imports
import tkinter as tk
from random import randrange
import time
# Global variables
# SIDES is a constant
SIDES = 12
# Functions
def func():
display["text"] = "Rolling..."
display["text"] = str(randrange(SIDES) + 1)
# Main program loop
window = tk.Tk()
display = tk.Label(window, text="Press the button \nto roll the dice.", width=20, height=3)
button = tk.Button(window, text="Roll", command=func)
Any help would be much appreciated!
window.after(2000, lambda: display.config(text=randrange(SIDES) + 1))
instead of the:
display["text"] = str(randrange(SIDES) + 1)