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How can I scrape "Net Worth" from YieldWatch?

I would to scrape a website as per following:

  1. Go to Yieldwatch
  2. Enter 0xF54274757Bf717B1ab52bA0d3a7CbF635f856a0d into the Address textbox and click the binoculars
  3. Scrape the text under "Net worth" enter image description here

I am using Selenium in Python to try and do it and here is my attempt so far:

from selenium.webdriver import Safari  # pip install selenium
from import WebDriverWait

url = ''
bsc_public_key = '0xF54274757Bf717B1ab52bA0d3a7CbF635f856a0d'

# with closing(Safari()) as browser:
browser = Safari()

textbox = browser.find_element_by_id('addressInputField')

button = browser.find_element_by_class_name('binoculars icon')

# # wait for the page to load
WebDriverWait(browser, timeout=20).until(
    lambda x: x.find_element_by_id('ui centered image'))

# store it to string variable
page_source = browser.page_source

The code doesn't work. After the browser loads, I don't see the textbox filled in with the address. How can I do this in Python (with or without Selenium)?


  • You don't really need the heavy guns of selenium. You can get all the data from the API endpoint.

    Here's how:

    import requests
    wallet = "0xF54274757Bf717B1ab52bA0d3a7CbF635f856a0d"
    endpoint = f"{wallet}?platforms=beefy,pancake,hyperjump,auto,mdex"
    wallet_data = requests.get(endpoint).json()["result"]
    # Net Value = Total Deposit + Total Yield + Wallet Balance — Total Debt
    total = sum(v["totalUSDValues"]["total"] for v in wallet_data["PancakeSwap"].values())
    net_worth = total + wallet_data["walletBalance"]["totalUSDValue"]
    print(f"Net worth for {wallet}:\n{round(net_worth, 2)}")

    This outputs most up-to-date net worth:

    Net worth for 0xF54274757Bf717B1ab52bA0d3a7CbF635f856a0d:

    Note: The FAQ says you need Total Debt to calculate the net worth but this wallet doesn't have any debt so I didn't include the value in the equation.

    However, if you have a wallet that has a debt, please share it, and I'll update the answer.