I am currently trying to implement a banner-like view where given a list of strings, the view will cyclically show each string one after the other with a pause when they arrive in the center of the screen. An example of what I want to do is the following
In HTML, this element is a swiper slide from swiperjs, however, Android has no native element that does this simply.
I have looked online for a couple of days now, testing various implementations using a custom RecyclerView, simple TextView with marquee (which doesn't have the pause I want to add) and have found that the majority of "solutions" revolve around either a RecyclerView, a ListView or a ViewPager with usually a TimerTask to handle the scrolling timing.
Unfortunately, I haven't found any implementation that works nor any indication as to which view is best to use.
All solutions implement an image and a dot selector showing which image from the list is shown on screen but I have absolutely no desire to have an image, I simply want a TextView with the same functionality. Before anyone asks, yes I have tried to simply replace the Images with a TextView but it simply doesn't work.
One important aspect to note is that since I am only trying to make some text scroll into view, I don't think ViewPager is an effective solution since I am not at all implementing some scrolling fragments. Here is a layout of how the screen elements are disposed (Note this is the MainActivity screen and I have a fragment host within it for all other fragments):
| | Toolbar |
| |-------------+
| | Banner |
| |-------------+
| Nav Drawer | |
| | |
| | Fragment |
| | |
| | |
Any leads in the direction how to implement this functionality is welcome.
I did it using LoopingViewPager like this.
Step 1: add dependancy in your app gradle
implementation 'com.asksira.android:loopingviewpager:1.1.2'
Step 2: add following code in your activity/fragment
val sliderAdapter = SliderAdapter(this, arrayListOf("Your Text here","Your Text here","Your Text here"))
val viewPager=findViewById<LoopingViewPager>(R.id.viewPager)
viewPager.adapter = sliderAdapter
Step 3: Add LoopingViewPager view in your Activity/Fragment Layout
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
app:wrap_content="true" />
Step 4: Create Adapter for LoopingViewPager
class SliderAdapter(context: Context, val itemList2: ArrayList<String>) :
LoopingPagerAdapter<String>(context, itemList2, true) {
override fun inflateView(viewType: Int, container: ViewGroup?, listPosition: Int): View {
return LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.slider_layout, container, false)
override fun bindView(convertView: View?, listPosition: Int, viewType: Int) {
var a = itemList2.get(listPosition)
Step 5: Create layout for an item
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:text="TextView" />