I have been trying to implement dynamic vertex attributes in ndtv and I actually managed to create different sized vertices but upon closer inspection they did not correspond to the values I thought I had specified. Instead the vertex size was just proportional to the vertex ID with the first ID having the largest size. I tried to control the size by creating a vertex spell for each period with a different value for the size parameter
steps <- 500
num_agents <- 40
vs <- as.data.frame(cbind(rep(1:num_agents, each = steps + 1), rep(1:(steps + 1), times = num_agents), rep(1:(steps + 1), times = num_agents)))
names(vs) <- c("vertex.id", "onset", "terminus")
vs$dimension <- gather(means, key = "key", value = "value", names(means)[1]:names(means)[ncol(means)])[,2]
Resulting in the following, where vs are the vertex spells and es the edge spells
vertex.id onset terminus dimension
1 1 1 1 5.000000
2 1 2 2 2.777778
3 1 3 3 2.040816
4 1 4 4 1.492537
5 1 5 5 1.388889
6 1 6 6 1.315789
onset terminus head tail
1 2 501 12 24
2 2 501 2 24
3 2 501 38 2
4 2 501 21 2
5 2 501 28 2
6 2 501 11 30
trade.net <- network(links[,3:4], directed = TRUE, matrix.type = "edgelist", loops = FALSE, multiple = FALSE, ignore.eval = FALSE)
net.dyn <- networkDynamic(base.net = trade.net, edge.spells = es[,1:4], vertex.spells = vs[,c(2,3,1,4)], create.TEAs = TRUE, vertex.TEA.names = "dimension")
net.dyn <- compute.animation(net.dyn, animation.mode = "kamadakawai",
slice.par=list(start = 1, end = 10, interval=1,
aggregate.dur=1, rule='any'))
render.d3movie(net.dyn, usearrows = TRUE,
displaylabels = F,
vertex.cex = net.dyn %v% 'dimension.active',
edge.col = '#55555599',
render.par=list(tween.frames = 10, show.time = FALSE),
slice.par=list(start = 1 , end = 10, interval = 1, aggregate.dur = 1, rule='any'))
I only rendered part of the data (first 10 of 501 periods) but not only do the attributes not match with what I intended but they are also invariant across time.
I found a workaround using the fact that one can use functions inside the rendering command.
render.d3movie(net.dyn, usearrows = TRUE,
displaylabels = F,
vertex.cex = function(slice){
degree(slice)/sum(degree(slice)) * 10},
edge.col = '#55555599',
render.par=list(tween.frames = 10, show.time = FALSE),
slice.par=list(start = 1 , end = 10, interval = 1, aggregate.dur = 1, rule='latest')
This works fine for what I intended to achieve but doesn't use the TEAs.