I am trying to figure out a way to group accounts together which have the same people as joint account holders. There is 1 primary person on an account and up to 4 additional joint account holders. Consider the following example:
Account | Primary | Joint1 | Joint2 | Joint3 | Joint4 |
123 | Mark | Tim | Jim | Brian | John |
124 | Mark | Jim | Tim | Brian | John |
134 | Jim | Mark | Tim | Brian | John |
324 | Ann | Shelly | Helen | ||
168 | Shelly | Ann | Helen |
So in the above:
I was thinking of going about this by just ordering the Primary and the Joint%s by using case statements and then concatenating the order into one string that I could then group on. So in the case of Ann, Shelly and Helen - ordering them alphabetically would give me Ann, Helen and Shelly and I would concatenate these names together to get "AnnHelenShelly" and group by this string. I have started on this but I am finding it to be a bit messy when I get to situations of 3 or 4 Joint holders on an account. For the case of just a primary and one joint, I just do something like:
case when num_joints = 1 then least(primary, joint1) || greatest(primary, joint1) when num_joints = 2 then least(primary, joint1, joint2) || (case when joint1 > least(primary, joint1, joint2) and joint1 < greatest(primary, joint1, joint2) then joint1 when joint2 > least(primary, joint1, joint2) and joint2 < greatest(primary, joint1, joint2) then joint2 else primary end || greatest(primary, joint1, joint2)
But I am wondering if there is a simpler more scalable way to do this so when I get to num_joints = 3 or 4 it isn't too messy. Or perhaps there's another way to group this without having to create string that is composed of the the primary and joint holders in order.
A couple other notes:
to convert the columns into rows, then use LISTAGG
to aggregate the names alphabetically per account, and then use LISTAGG
again to aggregate the accounts per unique list of names.
This solution is still a bit complicated, and isn't significantly simpler than your CASE
version, but it does scale well and it would be trivial to add another column to the solution. The example uses LISTAGG
, which is nice for displaying the results, but your final production version probably shouldn't use LISTAGG
if you're going to process the results in the database.
create table accounts
account number,
primary varchar2(100),
joint1 varchar2(100),
joint2 varchar2(100),
joint3 varchar2(100),
joint4 varchar2(100)
insert into accounts
select 123, 'Mark' ,'Tim' ,'Jim' ,'Brian','John' from dual union all
select 124, 'Mark' ,'Jim' ,'Tim' ,'Brian','John' from dual union all
select 134, 'Jim' ,'Mark' ,'Tim' ,'Brian','John' from dual union all
select 324, 'Ann' ,'Shelly','Helen','' ,'' from dual union all
select 168, 'Shelly','Ann' ,'Helen','' ,'' from dual;
--Accounts per group.
select names, listagg(account, ',') within group (order by account) accounts
--Aggregate names into alphabetical list per account.
listagg(account_name, ',') within group (order by account_name) names
--Unpivot columns into rows.
select account, account_type, account_name
from accounts
unpivot (account_name for account_type in
(primary as 'primary', joint1 as 'join1', joint2 as 'joint2', joint3 as 'joint3', joint4 as 'joint4')
group by account
group by names
order by names;
----------------------- -----------
Ann,Helen,Shelly 168,324
Brian,Jim,John,Mark,Tim 123,124,134