I know this is simple, but I just cant get past this problem in an Eloquent way. For a simple scenario where a product master and transaction table are maintained thus:
**Table : Products**
Prod Name
**Table : Sales**
A relationship is already established on "product" model
public function sales()
return $this->hasMany('\App\Models\Sale','prod_id','prod_id');
How do I run an eloquent query on Product to return the sales quantity (sum('qty')) grouped by manufacturer?
Secondly, is it possible to run a query on Sale model to get aggregates grouped by Manufacturer (from Product Model)?
Basically, I want the aggregates from one model to group by a column in another related model.
Here's a possible SQL query (excuse typos, I'm on a mobile device) :
SELECT products.manufacturer, sum(qty_sold)
FROM products LEFT JOIN sales on products.prod_id = sales.prod_id
GROUP BY products.manufacturer
I would do it with something like this using a DB::raw()
->leftJoin('sales', 'products.prod_id', '=', 'sales.prod_id')
->select(DB::raw('products.manufacturer, SUM(qty_sold)'))
You could also try something like:
$sales = Product::select(DB::raw('products.manufacturer, SUM(qty_sold)'))