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In Kubernetes - grant permissions to list namespaces (only)

I am trying to workaround an issue with a third party tool. That tool needs to be able to ensure that the namespace I tell it to work in exists. To do that, it runs:

kubectl get namespace my-namespace-name-here

The user that I let the third party tool run as has edit permissions in the my-namespace-name-here namespace. (Via a rolebinding to the namespace using the clusterrole called edit.)

But edit permissions is not enough to allow it to check (using that command) if the namespace exists.

Ideally, I would like a way to grant the user permissions to just get the one namespace above. But I would be satisfied if I could grant permissions to just list namespaces and nothing else new at the cluster level.

How can I just add permissions to list namespaces?


  • I figured it out!

    I needed to make a Role scoped to my-namespace-name-here that grants the ability to get namespaces. Then make a rolebinding to grant that permission to my user. Running a kubectl apply -f ./my-yaml-file-below.yaml did it.

    Here is the yaml

    kind: Role
      name: namespace-reader
      namespace: my-namespace-name-here
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["namespaces"]
      verbs: ["get"]
    apiVersion: ""
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: my-username-here-namespace-reader
      namespace: my-namespace-name-here
      apiGroup: ""
      kind: Role
      name: namespace-reader
      - apiGroup: ""
        kind: User
        name: "[email protected]"

    This allows the user to do a kubectl get namespace only the the namespace that this is granted on.