I tried setting up the NEAR mainnet archival node using docker by following this documentation - https://github.com/near/nearup#building-the-docker-image. The docker run command does not specify any port in the document.
So I also ran the docker run without any port, but when I tried to check the port by docker ps it does not show any port but the neard node runs.
Docker run command used to set up archival mainnet node:
sudo docker run -d -v $PWD:/root/.near --name nearup nearprotocol/nearup run mainnet
JSON RPC on nearcore is explosed on port 3030
As for the running an archival node you might be interested in this doc page https://docs.near.org/docs/roles/integrator/exchange-integration#steps-to-start-archive-node
P. S. nearup is considered oldish though still in use.