What is an easy way to calculate a user's proximity to map marker, I tried using the following functions, but I don't think this is optimal.
const userLatitudeIsWithinRadious = (collectible: any, userCords: any) =>
collectible.latitude + 0.01 > userCords.latitude &&
collectible.latitude - 0.01 < userCords.latitude;
const userLongitudeIsWithinRadious = (collectible: any, userCords: any) =>
collectible.longitude - 0.001 <=
userCords.longitude >=
collectible.longitude + 0.001
I'm using react-map-gl as a React wrapper for mapbox, so I'm not sure if there's a specific solution somewhere in the documentations (haven't found it yet.).
I think you can use this npm package to get your answer
get the user and map marker coordinates and pass them to "distanceTo()" method in "geolocation-utils" npm package and get the distance
distanceTo({lat: 51, lon: 4}, {lat: 51.0006, lon: 4.001}) // 96.7928594737802 meters
There are more methods that you can look into in this package