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How to audit new custom data in Laravel Auditing's table?

I want to store new data in the Laravel Auditing logs and register new field in the automatic logs used by Laravel Auditing. I'm trying to add a new field in the Laravel Auditing's table so I can log custom data when the auditing is done. I am using a practically fresh Laravel 5.8.31 instalation.

I am adding new data to storage at the audits table. I am modifying the table fields at the migration file 2019_08_26_083436_create_audits_table.php to add a new custom field.

Schema::create('audits', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->text('custom')->nullable(); <--- Like this one
            $table->index(['user_id', 'user_type']);

I've modified this resolve function trying to store something in the new field but it doesn't.


 public function resolveData(): array
        $morphPrefix = Config::get('audit.user.morph_prefix', 'user');

        // Metadata
        $this->data = [
            'audit_id'         => $this->id,
            'audit_event'      => $this->event,
            'audit_url'        => $this->url,
            'audit_ip_address' => $this->ip_address,
            'audit_user_agent' => $this->user_agent,
            'audit_tags'       => $this->tags,
            'audit_created_at' => $this->serializeDate($this->created_at),
            'audit_updated_at' => $this->serializeDate($this->updated_at),
            'user_id'          => $this->getAttribute($morphPrefix.'_id'),
            'user_type'        => $this->getAttribute($morphPrefix.'_type'),
            'custom'        => 'Custom Value', <--- Some new value

It should've store 'Custom Value' at 'custom' field but it just doesn't store anything. I am maybe looking at the wrong function or this is maybe not he way to audit new custom data.


  • I'm using laravel/framework: 8.0 & owen-it/laravel-auditing: ^10.0.0.

    Override the transformAudit() method of Auditing by adding the following function to any Model that implements Auditable in order to extend the $data array (source).

    At top of file:

    use Illuminate\Support\Arr;

    Within your Model definition:

    public function transformAudit(array $data): array
        Arr::set($data, 'custom',  'Custom Value');
        return $data;

    As a general rule, you don't want to edit /vendor/ files for various reasons.