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How an I change the color of a specific table cell when hovering on its row?

I'm trying to make my table data change color upon hovering over a table row. Is that possible? I tried searching everywhere, but none seems to match my description.

I want to only change the color of "Hello World" when I am hovering over the table row. So when i hover over anywhere in the table row, only that table data "Hello World" will change color.

table tr:hover {
  color: white
      <td> Hello World </td>
      <td> Greetings </td>


  • If you only want a specific cell to change upon hovering over any part of the table row, give that cell a class and use that in your selector:

    table tr:hover td.change{
      color: white
          <td class="change"> Hello World </td>
          <td> Greetings </td>