I'm building a Zapier app for a platform that has dynamic fields that are specific to the individual user.
My API returns this response using a GET request:
"title": "003 Best Selling Book",
"id": "d86cbdf41be958336f1221a2211c3f65",
"date": "03/25/2021"
"id": "b844eaa3da5c476ab7337e83775777e0",
"title": "002 Best Selling Book",
"date": "03/26/2021"
The response is received by Zapier successfully
but it is only showing the first item in the JSON array.
Only one object in my array shown.
When I go to test my trigger, it only shows me the one object in my array and give me a MISSING VALUE! error.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
I'm trying to setup a Dropdown Type that is Dynamic and uses a Trigger to get the JSON object that populates the trigger.
I tried looking for example code in the Zapier Github or elsewhere on Stackoverflow or the web that showed example JSON responses for Zapier Actions, Zapier Triggers and Zapier Dynamic Dropdowns but couldn't find any.
Per the docs, your returned JSON needs name
and id