I want to run a command in terminal when a custom url is called.
Example :
I want to open a terminal and run echo "hello myapp://hello" when someone opens myapp://hello in browser or when some one executes open "myapp://hello"
I am new to apple script so I searched a lot but was unable to conclude with a working code snippet.
I tried :
on open location this_URL
display alert this_URL
tell application "Terminal"
do script "echo 'hello " & this_URL & "'"
end tell
end open location
Updated the Info.plist as:
This code just opens a terminal but doesn't runs the echo command. Standalone parts of code :
on open location this_URL
display alert this_URL
end open location
tell application "Terminal"
do script "echo 'hello " & this_URL & "'"
end tell
Works perfectly.
But the combination doesn't work....
Please tell me some workaround.
Thanks in advance
I think this is problem with authorization.
I don't know why but when we add CFBundleURLTypes in plist then macOS prevents us to send events to terminal.
So here is a workaround :
Make 2 apps instead of one as follows
So this will handle the incoming url copy it to clipboard and initiate the 2nd app. Its applescript will be as follows :
on open location this_URL
set the clipboard to this_URL
tell application "/path/to/app2.app" to activate
end open location
Add CFBundleURLTypes to its plist
It will read the url from clipboard and then run it on terminal. Its applescript will be as follows :
tell application "Terminal"
set this_URL to ( the clipboard as text )
do script "echo 'hello " & this_URL & "'"
end tell
set the clipboard to ""