I have one functionality for filter data. when I enter some values in filter popup it showing result successfully. then I add those data in local storage (as I need to keep those data on back link) and I am redirecting to another page, when I press back button on current page and navigate to same filter component then I need to set filter components value from local storage but I got an error like this "Cannot set property 'status' of undefined at SearchUserGridComponent.autoFillAdvanceSearch" I am trying so hard in this issue please help. code is shown below.
@ViewChild('callDialog', { static: true }) callDialog: TemplateRef<any>;
openUserAdvancedSearchPopup() {
let dialogRef = this.dialog.open(this.callDialog,{
width: "80vw",
maxWidth: "1366px",
disableClose: true
<ng-template #callDialog let-ref>
<div *ngIf="design?.is_advanced_search_enabled" class="advanced-search" [ngClass]="{'show-advanced-search':showAdvancedSearch}">
<advanced-user-search-component *ngIf="searchColumns?.length>0" [columns]="searchColumns" [dropDown]="dropDown"
(getSearchedParams)="getSearchedParams($event)" (getSearchedTerms)="getSearchedTerms($event)"
backgroundColor="rgba(190, 190, 190, 0.4)">
search() {
let params = new HttpParams();
if (this.status != null && this.status != "A") {
if (this.status == "AC") {
params = params.append('isActive', "" + true)
else if (this.status == "I") {
params = params.append('isActive', "" + false)
if (this.passwordComplexity != null && this.passwordComplexity != "A") {
if (this.passwordComplexity == "D") {
params = params.append('IsDefaultPolicy', "" + true)
else if (this.passwordComplexity == "S") {
params = params.append('IsDefaultPolicy', "" + false)
if (this.userLockedUnlocked != null && this.userLockedUnlocked != "A") {
if (this.userLockedUnlocked == "U") {
params = params.append('IsLocked', "" + false)
else if (this.userLockedUnlocked == "L") {
params = params.append('IsLocked', "" + true)
if (this.selectedEntity && this.selectedEntity.entityId) {
params = params.append('entities', "" + this.selectedEntity.entityId)
if (this.selectedEntityType != null) {
params = params.append('entityTypes', "" + this.selectedEntityType)
// console.log(this.selectedRoles)
if (this.selectedRoles != null) {
let roleString = "";
this.selectedRoles.forEach(role => {
roleString = roleString + "," + role
params = params.append('roles', "" + roleString)
if (this.selectedBranch && this.selectedBranch.branchid) {
params = params.append('branchid', "" + parseInt(this.selectedBranch.branchid));
when user clicks back button these methods would be called on search-User-Grid.component.ts
ngAfterViewInit() {
if (this.isBack == "true" && this.design.screen_name == "searchUsers") {
this.showAdvancedSearch = true;
@ViewChild("advancedSearchComponent", { static: false }) advancedSearchComponent: AdvancedUserSearchComponent;
autoFillAdvanceSearch() {
let userSearchData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("userSearchData"))
if (userSearchData != null && userSearchData != undefined) {
if (userSearchData["search"] == undefined || userSearchData["search"] == null) {
this.searchTerm = "";
else {
this.searchTerm = userSearchData["search"];
let status = userSearchData["isActive"];
if (status == "true") { // Status
this.advancedSearchComponent.status = "AC";
else if (status == "false") {
this.advancedSearchComponent.status = "I";
//**Error throwing from here it tells "Cannot set property 'status' of undefined at SearchUserGridComponent.autoFillAdvanceSearch"**//
else {
this.advancedSearchComponent.status = "A";
let IsDefaultPolicy = userSearchData["IsDefaultPolicy"];
if (IsDefaultPolicy == "true") { // IsDefaultPolicy
this.advancedSearchComponent.passwordComplexity = "D";
else if (IsDefaultPolicy == "false") {
this.advancedSearchComponent.passwordComplexity = "S"
else {
this.advancedSearchComponent.passwordComplexity = "A";
let IsLocked = userSearchData["IsLocked"];
if (IsLocked == "true") { // IsLocked
this.advancedSearchComponent.userLockedUnlocked = "L";
else if (IsLocked == "false") {
this.advancedSearchComponent.userLockedUnlocked = "U"
else {
this.advancedSearchComponent.userLockedUnlocked = "A";
let entityTypes = userSearchData["entityTypes"];
if (entityTypes != undefined && entityTypes != null && entityTypes != "") {
this.advancedSearchComponent.selectedEntityType = Number(entityTypes);
let entityId = userSearchData["entities"];
if (entityId != undefined && entityId != null && entityId != "") {
this.advancedSearchComponent.selectedEntity.entityId = Number(entityId);
setTimeout(() => {
this.advancedSearchComponent.selectedEntity.entityId = Number(entityId);
this.advancedSearchComponent.selectedEntity.name = this.advancedSearchComponent.entities.filter(entity => entity.entityId == Number(entityId))[0].name;
}, 1000)
let roles = userSearchData["roles"];
if (roles != undefined && roles != null && roles != "") {
this.advancedSearchComponent.selectedRoles = roles.split(',').slice(1).map(i => Number(i));
let branchid = userSearchData["branchid"];
if (branchid != undefined && branchid != null && branchid != "") {
setTimeout(() => {
this.advancedSearchComponent.selectedBranch.branchid = Number(branchid);
this.advancedSearchComponent.selectedBranch.name = this.advancedSearchComponent.branches.filter(branch => branch.branchid == Number(branchid))[0].name;
}, 1000)
let sortingEvent = JSON.parse(userSearchData["sortingEvent"]);
if (sortingEvent != null && sortingEvent != '') {
this.sort.direction = sortingEvent["direction"];
this.sort.active = sortingEvent["active"];
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
if (userSearchData["showAdvancedSearch"] == "true") {
this.showAdvancedSearch = true
else {
this.showAdvancedSearch = false
This error means that your advancedSearchComponent
is not defined. It would mean that your viewchild
cannot find any item with id advancedSearchComponent
. So just add #advancedSearchComponent
to your <advanced-user-search-component></advanced-user-search-component>
and it should fix that issue.