I got this:
let args: Vec::<String> = std::env::args().collect();
let matches = App::new("Rust grader")
.author("Arkadiusz Bulski <arek.bulski@gmail.com>")
.help("Disable profiling, save time"))
let config = matches.value_of("noprofile");
And a usage: ./binary-runner --noprofile -- tsp-arekbulski-*.rs
How can I get this clap app to recognize filenames?
error: Found argument 'tsp-arekbulski-01-trivial.rs' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context
binary-runner --noprofile
Solved it:
let matches = App::new("Rust runner")
.author("Arkadiusz Bulski <arek.bulski@gmail.com>")
.help("Use this to pass argfilenames"))