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How to add jstree via webpacker to Rails

I have a Rails 6 app where I added jstree library via yarn. I have application.js file where are the require statement. I want to do the following $('#tree').jstree(); but this results in function jstree undefined exception. How should I require it?


  • Create a new Rails app:

    rails new myapp
    cd myapp

    Install jstree and jQuery (which it depends upon):

    yarn add jstree jquery

    Create a new controller and view:

    rails g controller welcome index

    Start the dev server and the Rails server:

    rails s

    In packs/application.js:

    global.$ = require('jquery');
    $(() => {

    Add some HTML to welcome#index:

    <div id="jstree">
        <li>Root node 1
            <li id="child_node_1">Child node 1</li>
            <li>Child node 2</li>
        <li>Root node 2</li>

    Visit http://localhost:3000/welcome/index to see jstree in action.
