I need all module functions to be auto-mocked except those I want to mock manually. I'd like to do this using factory parameter of jest.mock() by analogy with an example from jest docs (https://jestjs.io/docs/jest-object#jestrequireactualmodulename), something like this:
jest.mock('someModule', () => ({
...jest.requireMock('someModule'), // This doesn't work :(
someFunction: jest.fn(() => 'someValue')
I expect jest.requireMock(moduleName) to do the trick like jest.requireActual(moduleName) does, but end up with
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Is it possible to achieve my goal in such a manner? If no, what is the best practice of doing this?
jest: 24.9.0, ts-jest: 26.4.1
is either automatic or manual, it cannot be both.
Auto-mock can be created with jest.createMockFromModule
and then extended. This is useful in reusable mocks in __mocks__
but generally not needed on test level.
Unless a mock is used on import time and needs to be hosted, a way to do this per test suite is:
beforeEach(() => {
I expect jest.requireMock(moduleName) to do the trick
This shouldn't be expected because a mock is imported inside a mock, this results in a recursion.