I am abit confused on the kubernetes nginx virtual subroute. https://docs.nginx.com/nginx-ingress-controller/configuration/virtualserver-and-virtualserverroute-resources/#virtualserverroute-subroute
"In the case of a prefix, the path must start with the same path as the path of the route of the VirtualServer that references this resource"
path: /coffee
path: coffee
will the /coffee be passed to the app?
because when I try to deploy the virtualserver with the route it doesn't work (exmaple below)
path: /one
path: hellok8s
however, this route that I am using previously is working
path: /
path: hellok8s
So taking for example, if I have an app-1 and app-2... Should I differentiate them through the host or through a sub-path?
or is there way that I can differentiate them through path like below?
--- edit
apiVersion: k8s.nginx.org/v1
kind: VirtualServer
name: hellok8s-app-vs
host: helloworld.moonshot.com
secret: nginx-tls-secret
# basedOn: scheme
enable: true
code: 301
- name: hellok8s
service: hellok8s-service
port: 8080
- path: /one
upstream: hellok8s
rewritePath: /
So the path is the URL which will be exposed by the Nginx to world outside. What happens to that path internally depends on the action's sub attributes, some examples:
Here the /coffee
is what end user sees but the request is sent to root of coffee service. So if the coffee would be a service in K8S running at 8080, the request will land at coffee:8080
path: /coffee
pass: coffee
But there are more actions. And let's say you use the action.proxy
then you can define at a lot more granular level what should happen with path. So in below example, we are forwarding to the coffee
service but the request path is being re-written to filtercoffee
upstream: coffee
rewritePath: /filtercoffee
You can also use redirect, return in action's pass directive, but you must use one of the four listed here