I have a collection or orders with the following format:
"createTime" : ISODate("2021-04-16T08:01:39.000Z"),
"statusDetails" : [
"createTime" : ISODate("2021-04-16T08:01:39.000Z"),
"createUser" : "FOP-SYSTEM",
"stateOccurTimeStr" : "2021-04-16 15:01:39",
"status" : 27,
"statusDesc" : "Shipped"
where createTime is showing that when the order has been created
statusDetails.status = 27 showing that order has been shipped
statusDetails.createTime showing that when the order has been shipped
The result which I need is something like this:
Order Date | 0-4 Hours | 4-8 Hours | 8-12 Hours | 12-24 Hours | > 24 Hours | Total Orders |
01-Jan-21 | 15 | 10 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 31 |
This shows that on "1-Jan-2021" after order creation,
15 orders shipped between 0-4 hours,
10 orders shipped between 4-8 hours,
4 orders shipped between 8-12 hours
and so on.
What I have done so far is:
{ $unwind : "$statusDetails"},
{$match: {"statusDetails.status": { "$exists": true, "$eq": 24 }}},
{$project : { createTime: 1,statusDetails:1,
dateDiff: {"$divide" : [{ $subtract: ["$statusDetails.createTime","$createTime" ] },3600000]}}},
But this is showing time difference of each individual record, but I need group by
Edit I have updated my query and now it is showing records using $group but still I need to add an another pipeline to group the current data.
{ $unwind : "$statusDetails"},
{$match: {"statusDetails.status": { "$exists": true, "$eq": 27 }}},
{$project : { createTime: 1,statusDetails:1, dateDiff:{"$floor": {"$divide" : [{ $subtract: ["$statusDetails.createTime","$createTime" ] },3600000]}}}},
{ _id: { year : { $year : "$createTime" }, month : { $month : "$createTime" }, day : { $dayOfMonth : "$createTime" }},
shippedTime: { $push: "$dateDiff" },
count: { $sum: 1 }
to deconstruct statusDetails
your conditions$addFields
to add slot
field on the base of your date calculation hour slot from equation and get total$group
by date
as per your format using $dateToString
and slot
by slot
in ascending order$group
by only date
and construct array of slots and get total ordersdb.collection.aggregate([
{ $unwind: "$statusDetails" },
{ $match: { "statusDetails.status": 27 } },
$addFields: {
slot: {
$multiply: [
$floor: {
$divide: [
$abs: {
"$divide": [
{ $subtract: ["$statusDetails.createTime", "$createTime"] },
$group: {
_id: {
date: {
$dateToString: {
date: "$createTime",
format: "%d-%m-%Y"
slot: "$slot"
total: {
$sum: 1
{ $sort: { "_id.slot": 1 } },
$group: {
_id: "$_id.date",
hours: {
$push: {
slot: "$_id.slot",
total: "$total"
totalOrders: { $sum: "$total" }
Result would be:
"_id": "16-04-2021",
"hours": [
{ "slot": 0, "total": 1 }, // from 0 to 4
{ "slot": 4, "total": 1 }, // from 4 to 8
{ "slot": 8, "total": 2 } // from 8 to 12
"totalOrders": 4