Following several tutorials, but run into the same issue. I expect it's something simple, but I'm new to git and Visual Studio Code. I'm on Win10.
The "initialize repository" button mentioned everywhere is not there, just "SOURCE CONTROL" then a text box with "Message(Ctrl + Enter to commit on..." inside, then Changes with a 0.
I follow this to the one minute mark but don't have the button. Every other tutorial assumes you have it.
I've tried closing all folders and editors, and opening a folder, but it's not there.
When I close and open VSCode, the buttons in Source Control are are "Open Folder, and "Clone repository", with "no folder opened" in caps. When I open a folder from that button, it's the same, source control has no initialize button. The folder that I'm opening is empty (just created as per the vid tutorial).
If I look at the second screen grab for "What I get", doesn't it already show that you are in a branch "master" in the bottom left? The video you mention has it as "main". It looks like you have already initialized it as "master".