I have a table built like this:
create table pois (
id varchar(32) primary key,
location geography(Point,4326),
category varchar(32),
entity_class varchar(1),
hide boolean
on which most queries look like this:
SELECT * from pois
ST_contains(st_buffer(ST_SetSRID(ST_LineFromEncodedPolyline('ifp_Ik_vpAfj~FrehHhtxAhdaDpxbCnoa@~g|Ay_['), 4326)::geography, 5000)::geometry, location::geometry)
AND ST_Distance(location, ST_LineFromEncodedPolyline('ifp_Ik_vpAfj~FrehHhtxAhdaDpxbCnoa@~g|Ay_[')) < 5000
AND hide = false
AND entity_class in ('A', 'B')
) );
currently I have two indexes. one on location "pois_location_idx" gist (location)
and one on hide and entity_class: "pois_select_idx" btree (hide, entity_class)
Performance is acceptable but I am wondering if there is a better indexing strategy, and specifically if it is possible and makes sense to have mixed btree + gist indexes.
You can use the operator classes from the btree_gist
extension to create a multi-column GiST index:
CREATE INDEX ON pois USING gist (location, category);
In your special case I would doubt the usefulness of that, because hide
is a boolean
and a GiST index cannot support an IN
Perhaps it would be better to create a partial index:
CREATE INDEX ON pois USING gist (location) WHERE NOT hide AND entity_class in ('A', 'B');
Such an index can only be used for queries whose WHERE
clause matches that of the index, so it is less universally useful.