I am new to python and currently testing out 2d lists.
This program uses a 2d list to store the sales of 3 types of noodle for each day in a week.
Also, in every day, there will also be a column that stores the total sales per day.
However, I am getting an IndexError where I can't seem to figure out what went wrong.
Sales = [[]]
def enterSales(arr):
i = 0
j = 0
total_per_day = 0
while i < 7:
day = {
0: "Monday",
1: "Tuesday",
2: "Wednesday",
3: "Thursday",
4: "Friday",
5: "Saturday",
6: "Sunday"
print("Enter " + day[i] + " sales for...")
for j in range(3):
noodle = {
0: "Dried",
1: "Dark",
2: "Spicy",
arr[i].append(int(input(noodle[j] + " noodle: ")))
# calculate total sales per day
total_per_day += arr[i][j]
i += 1
def totalWeeklySales(arr):
total_sales_per_week = 0
for i in range(7):
total_sales_per_week += arr[i][3]
return total_sales_per_week
value = totalWeeklySales(Sales)
print("Total sales of the week is", value, ".")
In your for loop you have to add empty list for each i
add below line before incrementing i
arr[i].append(total_per_day) # after this line in your code
arr.append([]) #add this line