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How to fix the uncompatibility with pyInstaller and pynput

I am creating an application with pyInstaller and it has a fatal error. I am using this package

from pynput.keyboard import Controller

Somebody Knows how to fix the incompatibility of pyInstaller and pynput? Maybe some hook of pyInstaller that I can use? and how to install it?

Important facts:

  • I am using python3.8 in Anaconda and spyder.
  • My execute successfully.
  • I' ve created other applications (without pynput) without problems.
  • I' ve tested this with pynput 1.7 and 1.6.8.
  • I've uninstalled and re-installed PyInstall.

Here is the warn file:

missing module named _posixsubprocess - imported by subprocess (optional), multiprocessing.util (delayed)
missing module named pwd - imported by posixpath (delayed, conditional), shutil (optional), tarfile (optional), pathlib (delayed, conditional, optional), http.server (delayed, optional), webbrowser (delayed), netrc (delayed, conditional), getpass (delayed), distutils.util (delayed, conditional, optional)
missing module named posix - imported by os (conditional, optional), shutil (conditional)
missing module named resource - imported by posix (top-level), (optional)
missing module named 'org.python' - imported by copy (optional), xml.sax (delayed, conditional)
missing module named _posixshmem - imported by multiprocessing.resource_tracker (conditional), multiprocessing.shared_memory (conditional)
missing module named multiprocessing.set_start_method - imported by multiprocessing (top-level), multiprocessing.spawn (top-level)
missing module named multiprocessing.get_start_method - imported by multiprocessing (top-level), multiprocessing.spawn (top-level)
missing module named grp - imported by shutil (optional), tarfile (optional), pathlib (delayed)
excluded module named _frozen_importlib - imported by importlib (optional), (optional), zipimport (top-level)
missing module named _frozen_importlib_external - imported by importlib._bootstrap (delayed), importlib (optional), (optional), zipimport (top-level)
missing module named multiprocessing.get_context - imported by multiprocessing (top-level), multiprocessing.pool (top-level), multiprocessing.managers (top-level), multiprocessing.sharedctypes (top-level)
missing module named multiprocessing.TimeoutError - imported by multiprocessing (top-level), multiprocessing.pool (top-level)
missing module named _scproxy - imported by urllib.request (conditional)
missing module named termios - imported by tty (top-level), getpass (optional)
missing module named 'java.lang' - imported by platform (delayed, optional), xml.sax._exceptions (conditional)
missing module named multiprocessing.BufferTooShort - imported by multiprocessing (top-level), multiprocessing.connection (top-level)
missing module named multiprocessing.AuthenticationError - imported by multiprocessing (top-level), multiprocessing.connection (top-level)
missing module named asyncio.DefaultEventLoopPolicy - imported by asyncio (delayed, conditional), (delayed, conditional)
missing module named vms_lib - imported by platform (delayed, conditional, optional)
missing module named java - imported by platform (delayed)
missing module named _winreg - imported by platform (delayed, optional)
missing module named console - imported by pyreadline.console.ansi (conditional)
missing module named startup - imported by pyreadline.keysyms.common (conditional), pyreadline.keysyms.keysyms (conditional)
missing module named sets - imported by pyreadline.keysyms.common (optional)
missing module named System - imported by pyreadline.clipboard.ironpython_clipboard (top-level), pyreadline.keysyms.ironpython_keysyms (top-level), pyreadline.console.ironpython_console (top-level), pyreadline.rlmain (conditional)
missing module named StringIO - imported by pyreadline.py3k_compat (conditional), six (conditional)
missing module named IronPythonConsole - imported by pyreadline.console.ironpython_console (top-level)
missing module named clr - imported by pyreadline.clipboard.ironpython_clipboard (top-level), pyreadline.console.ironpython_console (top-level)
missing module named org - imported by pickle (optional)
runtime module named six.moves - imported by pynput._util (top-level)


  • I have read a lot about hidden import and I tried the code

    pyinstaller --hidden-import=pynput.keyboard._win32 --hidden-import=pynput.mouse._win32

    It amazingly makes the .exe works normally. For other similar problems I suggest check here and here. This command is tested and works in Windows. Little changes make it useful for Linux too.

    Something I was failing is that I was omitting option "mouse" because I was not using it. These hidden imports are necessary.