I have this class and use "reactive" state management e.g.
Now I plan to initialize my state from local storage (get_storage) onInit()
where do I persist my data? As soon as some state changes, I want to persist it as well.
I tried using a listener but it never fires.
Currently I have this:
class CosController extends GetxController {
final box = GetStorage();
RxString econtactnr = ''.obs;
void onInit() {
addListener(() { //NEVER fires
print('hellowwww listener');
econtactnr.value = box.read('econtactnr') ?? '';
What is a best practice to store state to disk in GetXControllers using reactive state management?
EDIT: I noticed that you can do:
econtactnr.listen((x) {
box.write('econtactnr', econtactnr.value);
question: is that ok? do I have to cancel that subscription as well?
GetX provides Workers for this type of functionality. The ever
method can listen and store the updated value whenever it changes.
Try this in your onInit
void onInit() {
econtactnr.value = box.read('econtactnr') ?? '';
(value) {
box.write('econtactnr', value);
This will work and persist as long as you have await GetStorage.init();
happening before you initialize with Get.put(CosController());
If you need that to be stored throughout the entire lifecycle of your app, then you don't need worry about disposing it because you always want it listening.
If you do want to dispose it for whatever reason, you could save the listener into a Worker
Worker worker;
void onInit() {
econtactnr.value = box.read('econtactnr') ?? '';
worker = ever(
(value) {
box.write('econtactnr', value);
Then dispose by using worker.dispose();