I'm converting a codebase from js to ts and stumbled upon a conundrum: extending external js object property getters and setters.
interface Player {
name: string;
position: { x: number; y: number };
_posHistory: [{ x: number; y: number }];
structures: Structures[];
Object.defineProperty(Player.prototype, "position", {
get() {
return this.pos; // i get "Unsafe member access .pos on an any value"
set(pos) {
this._posHistory.push(pos); //same here
this.pos = pos; //and here
configurable: false
How do I go about type hinting "this" keyword to TS in this situation so its not "any"?
First than all you are trying to use Player as a value, but it is defined as a type. You can convert your interface for a class to being able to use it on the defineProperty
Second it seams to me that sadly the Object.defineProperty
method lacks of type definitions. But I will leve you a link to a post to create a complete typed method to work with.