Introduction: Hi, everyone! I'm new to VB6! How can I make a code that tells VB6 that tells VB6 that you're inputting something other than Whole numbers?
Details: I'm making an arithmetic progression calculator (I think the code is not needed? but I'll just provide just in case.) Here is my code:
Option Explicit
Private Sub btCalc_Click()
Dim A As Long
Dim N As Long
Dim D As Long
Dim R As Long
Dim F As Long
A = Val(txtInitterm.Text)
N = Val(txtTermint.Text)
D = Val(txtFinterm.Text)
R = Val(txtTermint.Text)
F = N / 2 * (2 * A + (N - 1) * D)
lblOutput.Caption = F
End Sub
and I wanna notify or tell VB6 that I'm putting in a fraction, not an integer and uses that fraction to do operations.
NOTE: String Fraction to Value in VBA this doesn't answer my question... :D
Thank you for helping me, everyone! it's much appreciated.
There is no Application.Evaluate(...)
in Vb6 like in VBA, so you have to do it like the "question" in "String Fraction to Value in VBA". Extract the logic to a function for re-use, and replace the Val(...)
calls with the function for use.
Something like below would likely work, although you may want to provide better error handling in the obvious bad-math cases. I simply return zero and mark them with a comment.
Option Explicit
Private Sub btCalc_Click()
Dim A As Long, N As Long, D As Long, R As Long, F As Long
A = GetFrac(txtInitterm)
N = GetFrac(txtTermint)
D = GetFrac(txtFinterm)
R = GetFrac(txtTermint)
F = N / 2 * (2 * A + (N - 1) * D)
lblOutput.Caption = F
End Sub
Public Function GetFrac(ByVal S As String) As Double
GetFrac = 0 ' default return on error
If InStr(S, "/") = 0 Then GetFrac = Val(S): Exit Function
Dim P() As String, N As Double, D As Double
P = Split(S, "/")
If UBound(P) <> 1 Then Exit Function ' bad input -- multiple /'s
N = Val(P(0))
D = Val(P(1))
If D = 0 Then Exit Function ' div by 0
GetFrac = N / D
End Function